It's hard to believe that Dan is no longer a student. He walked across the graduation stage on Thursday to the title of "Dr", and stepped into a role very foreign to both of us. He's earned every bit of praise and accolades that comes to him and we couldn't be prouder. The graduation pictures are soon to follow but before that big day we had a few other fun days getting ready for that big day and also to enjoy and celebrate the people we've come to know well over the past four years.
We were invited to a very cool pool party at the Barnes', Jessica and Kara did a fabulous job.
Next up was boating on Dr. Call's boat on Lake Pleasant with the member's of suite B.
Dan and his clinic partner Anthony...a match made in dental heaven.
Rayce loved riding on the giant tube.
Finally a graduation banquet held at the JW Marriott in Phoenix to celebrate and award the soon to be graduates. It was a great night!