Thursday, June 9, 2016

One of the Perks

I think I've mentioned before that sports are not really Danielle's thing, but she loves volleyball. After the regular volley ball season the youth center here on base had tryouts for a select team to practice through the summer and possibly play some Japanese teams. Danielle tried out and made the team. The extra practices and coaches have been very helpful for her in honing her skills, so hopefully she can make her high school team.

This last Saturday they had a game with a local Japanese team. It was a great experience. Even though the girls don't speak the same language they were able to communicate and had lunch together after the game. Experiences like this I hope that my kids will remember as they reflect on our time overseas and see as truly unique and fortunate. As peoples we truly have more in common than not.
It was such a busy Saturday and I was running kids to different activities and as soon as I left the youth center they put Danielle in and I missed her entire playing time! Oh well, they're going to try and play this team again, hopefully before we move in August!

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