So we made it through the Christmas holiday, Santa visited our house and all that, yet I managed to NOT take a single picture of Christmas day and the subsequent week long break after. I've been camera lazy and not particularly wanting to blog either. I'm thankful for our holiday breaks, but I find equally as grateful to get back into normal mundane routines (I'm sure by spring break I'll be blogging about needing a break from normal mundane routines).
I've since jumped back headlong on the wagon to document the coming's and going's of our families every move, though only one event lately I feel the need to bore you with. Avie has reached the pivotal age of...almost two, anyhow for some reason in our family around this age Dan and I both become exhausted of trying to get our kids to sleep through the night in their crib, so our brilliant solution, are you ready...why not put them in a regular bed where they can get in and out to their little heart's content??? Are you as confused by our logic or lack of it as I am? Truthfully I have no idea what possessed me (I say me not us, it was me not Dan) to put Avie in a bed, but anyhow it's done and I don't think we'll be turning back. Here's pictoral evidence of how we're faring so far.

Anywho, hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and has a great 2011!
I love it, Linsey! Hilarious...I wonder if she would suspect the t-shirt wearing dog? I agree about getting back to normal's always nice after the month of December. And I also agree that it is cold outside! Is it possible? Have we really acclimated already? Crazy. It was good seeing you the other night!
Haha! I remember it seemed to start off so well that first night, but I think the dog trick might work :)
This cracks me up! Miss Avie Jo has quite the personality...and I love that it carries on into her sleep. :)
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